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Naturopathic Consultation


Initial Consultation (Allow One Hour)$120

Initial Consultation Concession$110

Subsequent Consultations (Allow 1/2 Hour)$89

Subsequent Consultations Concession$79


You can claim for Naturopathic payments made to Jeffrey Rew from any Health Fund that pays for Naturopathic consultations at your level of benefits.  


Payments may be made by Cash, Credit Card, Eftpos

Treatment & Testing

A comprehensive case history combined with Iridology creates an accurate, yet simple form of noninvasive testing. The purpose is to find and treat the cause of your problem, and prevent further illness. General tests may include a Zinc taste test, and your blood pressure may also be taken. Jeffrey generally likes to look at any blood tests you may have, and may recommend you have some taken. 


He works with medical doctors and believes the more information he has from any source may be beneficial. He also finds that acupuncture, chiropractic, medical, osteopathic, massage, bowen, kinesiology, and other therapies can compliment his treatment and vise versa. He does not always recommend that people stop taking their prescribed medication.  


His treatments consist of Personal Herbal Medicines, Homoeopathy, Bach Flower Remedies and Vitamin/Mineral supplements. Individual Dietary and Nutritional information, recommendations on exercise, stress release, and lifestyle advice are also given.


The Herbal Medicines that Jeffrey makes for his patients are his own individual special formulas that he has found to be very successful.


His knowledge and treatment has been tested, refined, and improved over many years.


We can not promise results in all cases, but Jeffrey has a very high success rate.


Please feel welcome to contact the clinic if you have any questions or wish to make an appointment. 

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